Saturday, February 14, 2009

Thailand and Laos: The End

Well, that about does it for our Thailand/Laos trip. Flying back into Portland, we were treated to a beautiful sunrise. Mounts Rainer, Saint Helens, Adams, and Hood were majestically lined up against a bright orange sky. My photos from the plane don’t do justice. This is probably my best one, with Mount Adams in the background and Mount Saint Helens in the foreground.

Initial observations back in the states:
-Americans are fat
-the streets are so clean
-there are no random animals running around town
-it’s cloudy and cold here
-people speak clear English
-the grocery store has an incredible variety of food available from all over the world
-the traffic is neat and orderly
-my apartment seems strange and foreign
-my cat is fat
-hot showers are incredible!
-so is real coffee!
-how come no roosters are crowing at the break of dawn
-I can’t believe how tan I am
-does anyone here drive a motorbike?
-my life is filled with way too much crap and things that don’t matter

The evening after we returned, I convinced Darcy that we needed to treat ourselves to some pizza. She finally caved, and we went to Escape From New York (which has the best pizza in Portland) for a couple slices and microbrews. I was like a giddy little schoolgirl. My slice was perfect and delicious, and the pint of Hopworks IPA was excellent. After drinking shitty lagers for a month, I’m so glad to get back to some good beer. By the way, at $12.75 this is the most expensive meal we have had in a month.

Ok, I’m going to sign off. Hopefully I will be able to post again soon (meaning go on another vacation). I’ll leave you with a map of the places we visited in Thailand and Laos. Oh, and I didn’t see one H&M this entire trip (see posts from the Europe 2007 trip). Keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for the stars…or whatever…

1: Bangkok, Thailand
2: Ayutthaya, Thailand
3: Chiang Mai, Thailand
4: Trekking
5: Pai, Thailand
6: Chiang Khong, Thailand
7: Pak Beng, Laos
8: Luang Prabang, Laos
9: Vang Vieng, Laos
10: Vientiane, Laos
11: Phuket, Thailand
12: Koh Phi Phi, Thailand
13: Koh Phangan, Thailand

See all our photos here.


Unknown said...

Thanks for blogging! I really enjoyed the all the pictures and descriptions. What a fun trip!

Nickie M.

Unknown said...
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